Here is a note in which I make an offer:
The offer has elements that are not fully lawful such that if posted somewhere that has a large audience such as Twitter, it could easily be removed. Moreover, the impermanence of the offer if it were off nostr would make it harder for true reputational risk to exist, which is the basis of solving the counterparty risk.
There is no such thing ass trustlessness off of bitcoin itself and the physical world cannot attach to bitcoin. I see Nostr as the connector between IRL and bitcoin.
Has anyone seen something similar happen yet?
I expect my offer will go unfulfilled because it is highly particular. I am not a delivery person and I do not wish to go out of my way. Moreover, there are not yet clients, filters, and so forth to expediently better match coincidences of available labor with particular consumer wants, as well as legibilizing reputation. I am just some random dude, but a few hundred followers on Nostr is enough to solve the nothing at stake problem of reputational contracting.
Others will need ways to bootstrap their trustworthiness, and Sybil resistant vouching will be needed, with some sort of 3rd party taking a rake or burning of sats to achieve Sybil resistance in ways that work independently of purely web of trust models.
As a foundational platform upon which contracts take place, it seems Nostr will eventually lead to the total evaporation of demand for the State as it exists today -- every "state-holding" entity will simply be a Nostr relay. Perhaps there will be a USA relay, idk.
Curious what others may be thinking in this area.
I saw someone selling Bitcoin stickers on nostr a month or two ago. IIRC they made a deal over nostr DMs and the seller was paid over lightning.
Selling/buying on nostr is actually pretty easy today but who knows what the future might bring.
That seems pretty interesting. Will take a look later. What's your npub?
I'm thinking the bright orange future is going to be fucking sweet