Cultural evolution is like watching a tree grow. Although it grows faster now as of better soil (knowledge) there still will be this slow and grinding process of disruption, fighting for better solutions, resistance and finally adoption of the best solution for solving a problem (optimizing energy distribution).
Bitcoin without a question is a crucial part of the transition (aka: evolution) of humanity into its next chapter of better usage of energy. But: it will take a lot more time than You think and to progress we need to calibrate powers in society. Cash money is a chifre for pushing back against gov actions that try to close windows to the future. Therefore this referendum is great!
No the referendum is bullshit. Why they didn't make a referendum to eliminate the government at all?
Making a referendum to show to a government what you want is totally useless. Is like a crying baby, protesting to his parents that is grounded. He can cry whatever he wants but will still be grounded.
I wonder when adults will grow up and not be anymore children ?
But You know how constitutions work, don't You? Change is a slow shift. Interruption is an idea of dreamers. Look how long the SU survived even it was bancrupt culturally, economically and ethically since its first days. This referendum is a first sign of resistance and it will strengthen the shift towards bitcoin. Study some history. Especially the fall of the Roman Empire teaches You a great lesson about change and timelines.
LOL... constitutions are just useless papers.
Ah come on! You know well that constitutions are defining the major part of our action schemes. You can't force people to adopt Your own convictions, may they be right like they are. Give it time if You do not want the masses to oppose the transformation to btc
I don't want to convince anybody of anything. I just want to be left alone, to live my life, as a sovereign individual, in peace.
For more you enter into a so called "society", more you will get fucked. Do you need to enter in commercial relations with somebody else? Good, make a contract, not a constitution.
Constitutions are bullshit.
Yeees You are totally right. I feel exactly the same. But what I learned from my life and from history is: 99% of the people are simply not willing to transit to such a life. It needs time to establish a new ethical mindset and economic processes. First we need to get a critical mass of libertarians. That need years and years. Anybody of us is educating one at a time
I didn't said that should be done in one day. The centuries of brainwashing, dumbing down and enslaving humanity will not be vanished in 10 years... will take time. Starting with a referendum about cash is not gonna help. Start with education about:
  • From where is coming the authority over a living man?
Yo. And this ref is a first very small revolt of some guys that are fighting CBDCs. Crushing gov power will follow.