Hey guys I'm the one of the developers for blogstack.io. With the addition of nip23 we have some solid support for long form content like blogs and articles.
One pretty cool feature is that the relay that the blog was posted on is encoded in the blog url (naddr....). So you should be able to post a blog to any site that implements nip23 on any relay you want and you'll be able to look it up on blogstack seemlessly.
You can try posting from here to test: https://write.nostr.com/
We also have basic lightning tipping builtin and in the future we have plans to support nip57 zaps as well.
Please play around with the site and let me know what you think, report bugs and suggest how we can improve.
If you're a dev or familiar with Github you can report issues or contribute here: https://github.com/nodetec/blogstack
I wonder if there is another way to show a #nostr post, whether long form NIP-24 or "classic" on an existing blog.
For example, to incorporate a Twitter tweet one can make a screenshot and insert that photo, but you could also insert a few lines of JavaScript code.
Is there a similar code snippet to add one #nostr post to an HTML page?
Keep up the great work.