I all but forced my immediate family to buy bitcoin and keep it in cold storage. I bought all of the signing devices they used or that part probably would not have happened. Your position in your family may make this approach impractical.
As for friends, I have got some to buy bitcoin and a couple to even keep it in cold storage. I bought one of them a signing device and was there during set-up otherwise it never would have happened.
Basically all of them have shitcoined except for one but it is hard for me to hold it against them. I did that myself for a few months before going bitcoin only. I am dismayed at a couple of them continuing to "buy the dip" on some truly obvious scams.
Literally no one in my circles has got as excited about Bitcoin as I have. I have long since calmed down so that's okay. There is, however, a gap there I now notice in terms of our ability to connect deeply in some cases. I don't know if that was created by the change in me or we were never really connecting that way, though.
Only advice I have is to stay humble. Try to get curious people to put a small amount in and show them what you can do with self-custody. Until someone has bitcoin in self custody and has recovered their funds using a seed phrase they have no chance of understanding its power. Not realizing this caused me to waste so much time. I really can't stress that last point enough.
that makes a ton of sense, thank you. I think at the end of the day, most people will get curious when NgU (which is what I did), and a small percentage of those people will stick around and study it deeply.