It's the requirement to learn and the strong component of personal responsibility. If you're not willing to do either, good news: this doesn't exclude you from using bitcoin. You'll just use it in a tap-swipe-click fashion on the LN after the confidence curve has flattened, meaning you'll have missed out on the most spectacular monetization event in history. You will however, enjoy its other hard money benefits in the world around you.
We all know these people. They occupy our own homes and communities. They'll watch TikTok four hours straight, stand in line at the bank for an hour, argue with the clinic on the phone, they have dozens of useless apps on their phone, but they can't be bothered to download BlueWallet, listen for more than a minute about sound money without changing the subject, or give a care in the world about decentralization and how that's achieved. These people, regardless of their age, are getting priced out of the world, and frankly, pushed to the nadir of natural selection. The most unforgivable are the professional crowd of bitcoin deniers and fiat apologists, who are so used to authority and structure they can't see a need for such nonsense outside their company or academia, they've been voting for the two-party system their entire lives.
Bitcoin rewards personal responsibility and punishes negligence and laziness.
Those who take care of their own security, follow the rules, and are willing to learn will thrive.
So that leaves us, the remnant, to protect our ignorant loved ones with our new found wealth, which is another reason why I feel at least, I can't stop stacking, and must continue making these sacrifices, like forgoing a vacation or extra toppings on a Jet's Pizza, or resisting the urge to DM a pornstar who just updated their location matching my area. So think about that as you enjoy this weekend. A hangover is bitcoin's way of telling you that your stacking failed.
It's not easy being a stacker. It's not easy learning bitcoin's intricacies or sound money principles. You have to think about your own self-custody situation (everyones is different), and develop a solution. Those that do this will enjoy the zenith of natural selection. Those that do this according to nature, are BETTER than the rest.
So if you're poor and reading this, and you live in the West, your family has probably lived there for many generations. Think of all the economic boom cycles in that time. Your ancestors never captured a single one of them. You don't have to be them. And this boom is the largest of them all. Do not let it pass you by. Do whatever you must. DO NOT LET IT PASS YOU BY.
Enjoy your weekend Stackers.
As someone who emigrated to America after its golden age, I relate to this.
Sure - it would have much better if I didn’t graduate college with 6 figures worth of debt or worked in a collapsing healthcare system. But still, there is lots of freedom left here and I am happy I get to be part of it - even if it’s “late”.
Wow what a title. 😅 I like the "diverse" signal I'm seeing on stacker news. Different opinions, but all signal
Good one! Finaly some good meta post coming out.
I agree with you and I think alot of people missprice the risk, and don't know how to do the cost calcs, like they look at buying/setting up a node/buying a hardware device and learning how to use bitcoin properly, they look at costs of coinjoins and think I don't need it right now
Every time you introduce risk into your stack and you know to each their own, but as time goes by that risk will come for some people
I used to be a big buy bitcoin bro, now I don't even bother to tell people because if they don't want to use it properly or be arsed to learn go store your money in a fiat or fiat asset instead and take the counter party risk nothing I can do for you if you cant help yourself
The ones that I have helped were people who were in a mindset of how do I get bitcoin and hold it properly and those people are awesome to engage with and they ask all sorts of questions, this is the type that I am more than happy to help
Artificial Intelligence was invented long before the Internet... now it's online... but people need help... all at the same time... how to do it? create a network to invent a PC to put a gadget in your pocket... and a unit of money...
насколько сильно Сатоши заглянул в будущее и понял что он хочет жить? он понял что без этой технологии мир скатиться к супер мировой войне, не просто за ресурсы а за жизнь на планете в целом. видно как биткоин дал толчек под зад в некоторых направлениях. случайности не случайны мой друг.