tips is universal. Let's not create terms or esoteric confusion that can't be adopted within 1 second.
either way, it is fun to see this all unfold.
Tips is a dirty word. Bad psychology: fiat, obligation, cadge, poor, antisocial, taxes.
ZAPS is new, meme-like, fun, fast, social, easy.
If you're building a modern app, ZAPS is a better market fit. It's redefining lightning, in a way that keeps bitcoin almost hidden, and I expect the LN to do that more and more. We're on the verge of a monstrous breakthrough later this year with the LN imo.
tip isn't a dirty word, the stain is from employers that refuse to pay their workers and instead pass that on to their customers. the word and act of tipping is fine, the expectation is dirty.
what he meant was that it is already associated with something, and some people might have a negative reaction to that word. Zaps on the other hand is new and we can ruin it ourselves ⚡ zap zap zap