Yes. But profitably? Not without an exceedingly low energy input cost. And even if it's profitable, how much will you make? Not enough to cover the cost of your GPU's for a couple years unless bitcoin is in a bull market, or you already owned them previously. You want ASICs for sharing-256, not GPUs. But if you can get energy for nothing or super cheap, then do it.
Yip, that or something catastrophic happens to ASICS and they are no longer manufactured/chips hard to fab/banned, and we go back to GPU because its easy to hide in the crowd kinda thing, I feel like GPU is a fall back if they go full hostile on mining
да когда цена будет 500000000000000000000 можно даже процессор поставить)))
Lol if that was the case I should be mining right now with any GPU I can find and burn the hell out of that device while it can still get me a satoshi
ты можешь сейчас жарить карты) иметь 100-200 сатоши))) вперед брат) не стесняйся... я тоже так делаю... это нормально)))
I'm using my GPU differently, I am fiat mining getting my work done on my computer and then converting it into sats :)