How long did it take to sync? What kind of equipment?
I always have a NAS that is also running as a bitcoin core node, keeping a local copy of the blockchain. Any time I spin up a new node, I just copy the blocks and indexes from that NAS to the new node drive and have in few hours a new synced node.
Also I could use that NAS node as main peer to sync other nodes, pointing the new bitcoin node to sync from NAS local IP, not from other online peers (Tor, I2P or clearnet).
Run the following command:
bitcoin-cli addnode "192.168.x.x:8333" "onetry"
Replace “192.168.x.x” with the IP of the existing running node. In that way your new node will sync directly from your local node. Will still take a while, due to the fact that will still have to validate those blocks. But will be faster anyways.
Equipment: Lenovo Thinkpad X260 & 1 TB SSD.
Took me around ~1.5 days with a modest internet connection.
been syncing for almost a week, abcore 645732
finally caught up to current block the other day but it still says 99% sync and i honestly can't even tell what it's doing if anything. what do i do with the qr link to onion that it shows me 😅
My umbrel node running Bitcoin core has been syncing for about 14 hours, I’m at 22% right now. This is on a RPi4 with SSD. I thought this was decent progress, but compared to the other comment, sounds like this is pretty slow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That sounds about right. It's been a while since I last synced a RPi4, but if memory serves it took me around 3-5 days (with a HDD!).
8 hours. Umbrel node. Good internet connection at a low-demand time of day, started at midnight, done by 8 am.