A couple thoughts ...
  1. Require user to claim
This "yield" should require participation. e.g., if I earned yield today, I should have to at least have to click a "claim" or something to get it. And, my claim can expire if some days pass and I didn't do the claim. This would also let the yield to those who don't care about the yield (at least not enough to come back to SN, or be bothered to click) to be re-added back to the pool of funds for distribution at a later date. That a claim on yield is available to me could be communicated simply as a notification.

  1. Restriction on immediate withdrawal
Could (or should ?) there be restrictions on these funds? e.g., the yield earned can be used within SN immediately for posting, commenting, or upvoting, but to withdraw those funds would need to age 30 days (or something like that).
Then again, I suppose this is easily gamed with a second account, where I tip myself in a different account and my sats can be immediately withdrawn there.
A workaround I suppose is to make the yield sats be a different symbol in my wallet. And when you pay to post, comment, upvote or tip, you are spending from the yield sats first if you have any. And the recipient of the tip or sats stacked sees those appear in the wallet under the yield sats balance, until those sats have aged the 30 days (of issuance, not when the earning (stacking) occurred).
But that makes it possible that yield can circulate within SN, so that it doesn't get withdrawn for 30 days after issued (initially claimed). Maybe this adds too much complexity, and can be deferred until there's some data to show whether or not yield is simply being withdrawn from the site shortly after issuance occurs.
These are nice downstream options. We'll definitely ship without these but they make hypothetical sense at least.
Restriction on immediate withdrawal
This is very tricky. We'd basically need to create some non-fungible sats for this to work. I suspect this is more complicated than it's worth ... I've been considering something like this for a long time (giving each user some sats when they sign up) and haven't yet thought of a reasonable design.