This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
fucking gas man
Shipped an update that improves the navbar, namely:
  1. top/recent/jobs/post are now visible on mobile and one click away. Many people couldn't figure out where they were
  2. post now has a border so it looks like a button. A few people had some trouble discerning it from the other links
  3. jobs in the navbar no longer has the tilde in front. The tilde will remain in the url tho and for quick reference, eg ~jobs
I like! I looked at it both on desktop and on mobile.
Wow- first ~jobs post already? Senior Backend Engineer \ LN Capital Very Cool! 🚀🚀🚀
Yeah exciting. Cold, outbound sales work it seems.
If the client is paying a market rate to post a job listing, might an additional (premium) service be to help them with the posting so that it benefits from markdown, and maybe some other improvements (e.g., an "at-a-glance" job overview)?
And the listing on SN: #13835
Not your keys not your coins... Get your Bitcoin off exchanges and lending platforms... I personally withdrew my Bitcoin from Ledn ( A Canadian company ) after seeing the government freeze people's accounts and to think that can't happen to us bitcoiners with coins at third party custodians is foolish look at what Coinbase just did to Russians blocked all their accounts... Plus look at these Ukrainians fleeing their country with nothing but the clothes on the backs, all their property destroyed no access to their bank accounts.... Western countries taking people's property away seems to me propery rights is a myth, Western countries are at this point no different from Zimbabwe...
If that does not terrify you to the point where you place 80% to 90 % of your wealth in bitcoin than I honestly think you are smoking crack.... Something to think about...