The tweet has no sense. First I suppose Sam Altman is US based, so his mental model is wrong, not all economy are like US one. Second point, if you request an app to a company they probably get some devs on your app so 30k is not the net worth of the the company owner, while a plumber works for himself only ( or if he has a company he will put more zeroes on that number ). So an app dev doesn't get 30k for himself, while the plumber yes. In my country i made a freelance app for 1000k and a plumber is surely more rich than any sw dev. Beside that AI will become like religion, all comes from AI will become truth because of science blah blah blah...remember covid19 and vaccines. If you have doubt on "science" you're an idiot, also if you can demonstrate that AI is wrong. History repeats...Galileo...Giordano Bruno and many more paid for being against their times science, call it religion, king, state...the story always repeat. AI will be pure dystopian for sure, will help in a lot of work but in the end it will be another to make people think all the same.