I am still on the dystopian side of it, but my interaction with AI is limited to a few apps and the word of shills. I get that some tasks can be automated, and will drive deflation in a lot of office jobs where wages showed at least some growth compared to other markets which was bound to happen, a lot of these jobs are bullshit jobs. I mean administrators in government and educational institutions come on, glorified paper pushers can be replaced
But surely there is a limit, AI is only as good as the data feeding it and the users prompting it, and how does that affect the quality in the future? if no one is checking and becomes lazy and just accepts what an AI says the way many accept what a AI feeds them in social or search results you just get an army of morons with their echo chamber of unproven data that they don't bother to check if its correct or how the narrative around that data is shaped
So sure right me an email, send me an auto-response for something but minds are already atrophied by the move to video content and the tiktokification of this new generation, AI is just going to ensure those last brain cells of normies don't get stimulation, builidng a mindless horde that get told to put masks over their eyeballs and click on ads so they can get their CBDC to buy their soy rations lol,