SMiles is funny. I realized that I am actually walking around a lot every day. Málaga is pure fun to move around between the old town streets, the beaches and the harbour... and I am a bad chess player I realized by using the app
How do you get the freaking thing to account for movement? I track all my walks and hikes with Sport Tracker, but I haven't been able to get the freaking sMiles to account for a single step I take in months.
You need to download the spy app 'google fit' and synchronize this with sMiles.
So we need to install a centralized spying PoS from Gøøgł€ to be able to use a supposedly free app that uses a decentralized currency? Ta-ta SMiles!
That's it. In the end it will only be BTC and Us. P2P and the end of all this centralized sh.t
SMiles is it like sweatcoin?
It has some more features. I downloaded it for loosing chess... and discovered the rest