I think we're wrong about bitcoin L1 being the layer people use and interact with. Few will. And still fewer over time. Mainstream masses are not coming to bitcoin because they give a damn about privacy or decentralization. Look at the top 10 apps (spyware) on Apple's Appstore and tell me otherwise. They won't be maxis either. They'll be users. And they'll come because it speaks the language of the masses (tap, swipe, click) and because their own money becomes (on the x-axis of any given year) more volatile than bitcoin is. They won't understand how bitcoin works anymore than they do the car they drive, the Internet, or their television.
This is absolutely on point. There's three things we need to focus on:
  1. We have to make self-custody, payments, and running nodes as easy, convenient, and reliable as possible to outcompete more centralized services. Yeah, it means that more advanced features like UTXO selection, coin join, etc will need to be automated, hidden in the "advanced" menu, or just simply kept to apps/devices for advanced users.
  2. Use Bitcoin to improve and take over existing services and infrastructure. Yes this means things like using Bitcoin to facilitate fiat payments.
  3. Educate people about the downsides of fiat money. This is distinct from educating people directly about Bitcoin. One leads naturally to the other and it doesn't make them feel like you're selling them something. If normies ask about Bitcoin, keep it very simplistic. "Its like digital gold/asset that can't be controlled by a company or country. Its also very extremely hard to hack."
Agreed. And your #3 is a real good subtle point: fiat edu first, leads to understanding bitcoin.
This is the way.