I noticed that while trying to orange pill a friend, we dont have a "cheat sheet" like flyer which basically has a bunch of interessting/ recommended content for research purposes, so I made one!
Feel free to criticize it and let me know your thoughts. What would you do differently?
PS: If your interested in the template, let me know. :)
I made a German Version aswell with some slightly different content on it (obviously). Note: This is NOT for commercial use!
If you looking for content on Bitcoin, Try the Bitcoin magazine as they even have a Bitcoin course you learn and earn up to 2100 sats by taking it - https://21days.b.tc/
deleted by author
How is it a scam? they send the course to your email. Have you taken the course before, don't make assumption to things you don't know mate!
well, tbh the website did look very fishy at first glance +the link initself.. but yea my bad didnt read further into the website.
Bit Buy Bit > Simply Bitcoin What is Money > Simply Bitcoin Bitcoin Audible > Simply Bitcoin Blue Collar Bitcoin > Simply Bitcoin Citadel Dispatch > Simply Bitcoin Once Bitten > Simply Bitcoin Stephan Livera > Simply Bitcoin Thriller Bitcoin > Simply Bitcoin
This is my limited impression. Simply Bitcoin probably has some good signal in there (read 2 decent articles), but there's just so much noise. Kind of like the Bitcoin Magazine podcast. I'm not even comparing it to the really technical pods. To each their own I guess.
Definitely gonna look into these! But yea wasnt so sure about Simply Bitcoin either, cherry picked it honestly because I choose german podcasts over english once. :)
You should add a list of sites as well… like stacker.news
yes, good point.
deleted by author
Noted adding this article next to the stacker.news site list. Thank you.
A bit scammy feeling but also really well done. Are you sure $299 is the right price point for maximum total sales though?