Depends on two things:
  • Are you spending bitcoin often?
  • How much bitcoin are we talking? (Don't tell me lol)
If you're spending it, the hot wallet is necessary.
If not, a hardware device could be worth it. But if it's not that much, consider deleting the hot wallet and just keeping the backup on paper.
If you have something like 20% of your net worth in bitcoin, and plan to keep building that, then yes consider getting a hardware device
I'm not spending the bitcoin often. It's not that much at the moment but I'm consistently taking a cut of each paycheck and putting it into Bitcoin.
Ok, so sounds like you're heading toward needing a hardware device.
I've used Blockstream's Jade and Trezor. They definitely do the job.
A lot of people really like Coinkite's products, so that's another option.
Awesome, thanks for the recommendation!