Most need to learn from touching the hot stove. It's just reality. It shouldn't make you bearish on Bitcoin. Hyperbitcoinization, if it happens, is going to take a lot longer than most people think. It doesn't mean bitcoin is failing or you should be bearish on it, it just means inertia is powerful and it will take extreme force to push people off their current course.
When it happens
Tend to agree but I could also see a situation where fiat is still used as the day to day medium of exchange currency but we operate on a bitcoin standard ala the gold standard where fiat issuance is kept in check by needing to be backed by bitcoin. This wouldn't be a permanent solution of course as governments would screw it up but they could probably squeeze another 50 years out doing this.
Agreed, the dollar will continue to be the world currency for most of our lives. I only pray our children will reject it and move on from military script