The excitement on my feed about this NIP was overwhelming yesterday. The best part is that no coiners were interested about this "whole zap thing" to get sats, whether they knew what they were or not. Orange pill shortcut.
agree.. lots of young people who are starting from 0 can be orange pilled easily...!
Zaps have been going nuts on Damus, I think Snort has already enabled theres can't wait to see more clients support for fiddy 7
This is what I mean about Nostr losing it’s identity.
I appreciate that bitcoiners are the ones that really glommed onto Nostr, but this explicitly makes Nostr into a bitcoin network now. A big feature of Nostr was that it was not tied to any specific financial system.
On top of that, it’s yet another NIP that makes Nostr focused on twitter style functionality instead of a general purpose note passing network.
Over time, Nostr will just become a more chaotic, Bitcoin version of Farcaster. And At Protocol (Blue Sky) will be the only one that is actually financially independent
Over time?
Kind 9735, NIP-57, NIP-5's Twitter Blue ✔️
It already is.
If you think the user experience is acceptable today, you’re gaslighting yourself like all the mastodon people.
You can’t even delete your own data
bitcoin is the currency of the internet, so IMO it's a good thing and will enable use cases we never could think of before
it is optional, users that don't want this "bitcoin thing" are free to use other clients.
also paid relays are inevitable, so eventually it doesn't make sense to strip out bitcoin from nostr.
Ok, but if someone wanted to use fiat or some other currency, this NIP could have been abstracted to a request, payment, and confirmation cycle that was still agnostic to bitcoin, no?
I just think being agnostic to money was a big benefit of Nostr. Now you’ll need an NIP for every different currency that someone wants to use.
But realistically it will be blocked by bitcoiners that have taken over the process.
So again, this is just a crappier version of Farcaster but with Bitcoin.
I appreciate that bitcoiners are the ones that really glommed onto Nostr
You're re-writing history.
The initial set of developers were all Bitcoin developers.
The initial set of developers were all Bitcoin developers.
And curious enough, they kept it financially agnostic. How am I “rewriting history”?
losing it’s identity
this explicitly makes Nostr into a bitcoin network now
big feature of Nostr was that it was not tied
You're implying that the devs didn't have this baked into their vision since Day 1, and that the direction is somehow new, or a pivot.
Go take a peek at the tweets, and nostr notes circa late 2021, and the libraries used in Nostr's encryption.
I would argue if they didn't follow through with eventually merging NIP-57, then Nostr would be losing it's identity.
You're implying that the devs didn't have this baked into their vision since Day 1
It absolutely was not baked into the vision. Otherwise it would have been part of the protocol.
One of the core value drivers that set Nostr apart was the fact that it was not tied to any specific financial system.
I saw someone write that they were updating their client daily.
Zippity zap, nostr is evolving quickly