This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
It would be nice to display the nostr pub key in your SN profile if you have it.
Easier to add people
Good Sunday everyone!!! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and relaxing, all is well over here and I wish you a fantastic day and be filled with success and lots of good vibes gang, be well and stay frosty!!
Looking for new project to dev. Probably on Nostr. Ideas?
Generate a list of nostr people that are verified at domain X.
For example, list all nostr profiles verified at
At the end of the day going digital is about saving money and being more effecient. how does bitcoin help in this regard?
Less fees transferring money, less fees by paying for goods and services, less people needed to support the infrastructure (compared to banks, etc).
Low fees is only true if noone is using it due to the scarcity of blockspace there are many people employed and involved in order for bitcoin to work from the wallets to the nodes to miners and so on, and most of it is not financially viable. They are paying out of own pocket etc. to keep it going.
Dumb question: Someone just sent 500 sats to my SN wallet. I appreciate it and would like to thank whoever did this, but I can't figure out from where it came!
Not a dumb question, I have wondered the same thing, curious to know who tips my comments. Not sure if it’s possible though!
Mystery solved: I'm getting nostr tips directly sent to my SN wallet!
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #135,000: Feb 11, 2023 (9 days since Feb 2, 2023) 556 / day
My biggest "concern" with ordinals is that its block space consumption implies the demand for digital art rivals the demand for digital money.
I have allowed too much clutter into my life, so today is cleaning and organizing day for digital devices and home.
And I continue my LN intro with material from @darthcoin.
Oh, and Super Bowl! Supporting Jalen Hurts, but ef the Eagles! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Go Cowboys!
On one of my bonsai, all the leaves are dryed. So i m going to check if i -change his place (warmer place), it will help -take out all the leaves dead/dryed, it will help, -put some water in the plate to create a humid atmosphere will generated an positive effect. Now i cross my fingers :)
If strong root, tree will survive.
– Mr. Miyagi
I have tried to nurture and care for probably 20 bonsai over the years. I have quit. Each of them were dead in 6 months, no matter what I did. Obviously I don't know what I'm doing. It's disappointing
all mine died too, the longest 3 years (but it died after changing the pot, did not do correctly).
Three years is pretty good, but I guess those people who leave them in their will wouldn't think so.