What If I Don’t Transfer The Fiat In Time?
If you don’t send the fiat or it doesn’t clear in the sellers account before the 24 hour timer is up, then you will lose the 3% bond and the trade will be cancelled. This is why it’s important to make sure you chose a payment method than can clear within 24 hours.
What kind of fiat transfer methods are people using that clear in 24 hours and don’t reveal and kind of personally identifiable information to the seller?
Hey Athena Alpha here 😇
There are a number of fiat transfer methods that don't require KYC such as using gift cards etc.
However RoboSats mostly uses things like PayPal or Strike. While these methods are KYC... as they're not linked to the actual Bitcoin trade in any way. So the sats you buy can never be tagged to your identity. It's just you sending $XX to some random person for some unknown reason. Hope this helps!
Tbh, this process seems like a PITA, but thank you for explaining with examples! Personally I don’t like the idea of the person I’m buying from knowing who I am. I realize the “exchange” doesn’t know, but someone does, so it’s not totally anonymous. Thanks again for your follow up!