Azteco is the most simple method of buying Bitcoin on the market, identical in process to the top-up's everyone on the African continent is used to with adding air-time to Mobile Phones. There is nothing to learn or understand; it just WORKS.
By onboarding users into the excellent Wallet of Satoshi with a single scan gesture, Nigerians have total freedom to send and receive Bitcoin from anywhere instantly, reliably and privately.
Wallet of Satoshi is a custodial bitcoin wallet app, available on both Android and iOS:
Spending (withdrawing) of bitcoin can occur on-chain, or via Lightning network ⚡.
Ughh ... I typo'd on the title to this SN post, and now it is too late to edit that. Azteco's Twitter account is, of course, @Azteco_.
Wallet of Satoshi does support Lightning Address for spending / withdrawing, however they do not support it for receiving.
Here's another post on SN describing Lightning Address a bit more:
Do you have a Lightning Address yet? Every account on Stacker.News does #7882
So in looking at the service, the amount field has a range of NGN 500 to NGN 9995. That's a range from about $1 to just $20. So this will be useful for certain purposes like smaller remittance payments, and for buyers who dollar cost average, but of limited use for things like travel, vendor payments, trading, etc.
Good to see it be available, though.