This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Trying to save my umbrel node which has hard time connecting to peers and won't sync even if i can't find any detailed error in logs
Funky week-end ongoing :(
Nothing much, it's just TGIF and my shenanigans comes with fun so I went, played some cards game and I'm back home
Got onboarded onto Damus and am having so much fun. One reason is that I’m playing @Cowdle , a game similar to Wordle, and am getting sats when I guess the word correctly!
Why have not a single walled garden seemed to adopt bitcoin? Steam was the exception but they changed their mind. But things like Patreon and Subsribestar would obviously benefit from adopting Bitcoin. But they dont. Its another reason i am bearish because literally everything has to be rebuilt because none of the current platforms are going ot adopt it, I mean we will be dead before any meaningful adoption.
I'm personally happy if we just get people in countries with soft money to have stronger money which afaict is happening.
Good morning gang, it's Friday already, I apologize for the previous days that I didn't send any positive vibes your way, I was a tad under the weather but all is good, I wish you a great Friday and a phenomenal weekend, let's do this!! Be well my friends and stay frosty.
I enjoy welcoming all the newcomers to SN each morning!
Thank you! I’ve been here about a day and a half, still learning how SN works, but it’s pretty cool!
Thinking my thoughts about how to make most of the Nigerian population understand that "Bitcoin is a medium of exchange, a store of wealth, and a peer-peer electronic cash that you can store access to in your memory" especially during this time of fiat fracas in Nigeria.