For SN, we use LND. It'd be wrong to call it my favorite, because I hadn't and still haven't really evaluated the alternatives. It just seemed more developer friendly (again, it might not actually be because I have no basis for an evaluation).
Retrospective reasoning:
  1. I could build and run it on my mac
  2. it had a gRPC interface and easy to use javascript wrappers
  3. the slack was active with people from a variety of skill levels and questions were answered quickly
  4. they have tons of documentation and developer guides
  5. it seemed like most developers were building on top of it vs other impls
  6. lightning is the sole focus of the company behind it and that made me feel more confident that the project would continue to improve and exist
  7. I've programmed a lot in golang recently and felt more confident in my ability to deal with builds and any required customization/contributions in the future (while I've programmed more in C than golang, and even prefer programming C, golang is notoriously dull and free of magic so reading/modifying someone else's go code is more approachable than someone's C code)
What's yours?
I'm a total newb in lightning development so I don't really have an opinion. I'm reading Andreas, Olaoluwa and Pickhardt's "Mastering the Lightning Network" currently and testing out different implementations using Polar. Based on that small piece of experience, I currently like LND best but we'll have to see when I actually try to build something with it.
This is also why I ask, because I want to see other devs reasoning for going with one implementation instead of the other.