The biggest problem with corporate entities is how well suited they are to hiding little coteries of psychopaths. Companies can only get this big because they lobby for laws that exclude and price out their competitors. Corporations form monopolies and oligopolies mainly by making laws to favour themselves. Central governments are really just a fraudulent cloak for these oligarchies, and why they steadily become more and mone unrepresentative.
I don't know how it will happen exactly, but humanity needs to purge these parasites, and the mechanisms that they use to violate us need to be exposed and de-normalised. They are the biggest drag on market efficiency, without them taking the top 50%+ of the market profits, the smaller businesses would be able to do a lot more for their customers.
Humanity has been trained to think there is no ither way. But we who know know it is the lie upon which the house of cards is constructed. We will not participate.
This is the way!