It will be interesting to see how the mainstream media handles this. In the 70's Seymour Hersh was a hero. Vietnam era My Lai Massacre, Watergate. Lately he has been sort of branded a purveyor of misinformation. It started when he dared criticize Obama over the Syria "chemical attack" debacle. He never changed. He is still the principled journalist he always was.
I suspect the major media outlets ignore it until they can't - like the lab leak hypothesis.
afaict principled journalists tend to stay principled. It seems like a temperament or personality trait more than something induced by circumstance. Although, I'm sure there are exceptions.
Funny how the whitehouse came out and said it was 100% false. That tells me it is 100% true now. All the validation I needed.
I completely missed this news from last week. Perhaps because it was barely covered in the U.S. press?
Hey @Tomk, can you give us any insight as to the reaction in Germany to this article?
Yes, of course. There is NO media reception at all. Instead of investigating they brought up the story of Putin having been personally involved in shooting down the civil airplan MH17 in 2014.
confirmation of what we all already knew
yeah, but good to know a journalist has added a lot of detail to the high level thing we already knew. Some very interesting details in his write up about the operations
подожди... РФ запрягает долго... едет быстро... скоро что то будет
Biggest crime against oceans for history and they dare to come with their climate bullshit 😛