This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I just spend the day browsing through how SN works
Sent my mom episode 2 of the Freedom Money series Odell is doing on Bitcoin Magazine and this is her response
“Thanks for sharing l found it to be very interesting and insightful l now have a better understanding about bitcoin”
Howdy partners. I have a cowboy hat now, but I haven't the slightest what's for or where it came from.
My company just went through a second round of layoffs in the last year. I survived again. I'm a software engineer.
I wish I worked on Bitcoin. :-(
A lot of bitcoin companies have been laying folks off too. Little reporting on it though.
lately i’ve noticed myself hitting the lightning bolt way more on posts/comments where users have cowboy hats
A small story: I was pushed by my friends to use the Ethereum ecosystem to properly critize their project. I took the challenge and started in 2020-21 with some money I made from the Bitcoin-DCA plan that I have.
Now, this year, with full commitement, I'm 100% back to bitcoin. Nothing to see there as far as I'm concern. Lot of hype, some good projects TBH1 but...real growth is here.


  1. The one I liked it was Ethereum Domain Service but that was before bolt-11 in LN. Other projects..not so much.
Just watched a video on gold gold (10% used and 90 value) vs cober (90% used and 10 value) vs silver (50% used and 50 value)
gold: metal that need more work/energy to be exracted
cober: si econony goes up cober too as it used to build diferent things.... price of gold goes up when the price of energy goes up gold an asset for long term and could be replaced by BTC
Was informed I need to move my department's location at the office. I havent been in since before Christmas. Apparently l, there has been shuffling that has everyone upset. So, Im going in!
And I am starting to research setting up my first node. I got so excited I almost ordered a box solution without DMOR. LOL this is great shit!
nice cowboy hat!
Annoyed that my brother has remained so long / wishing I had my basement back for no specific reason other than missing my space.
It’s been years. No idea why lately it’s different for me. Perhaps my tolerance is nearing its end. I dunno.
Feels shitty. Shitty because his presence sometimes irks me. Feels shitty because im not sure what/where his options lay these days, despite me providing a rent free space so he could save up/get back on his feet.
Sorry to hear that. Can he contribute towards rent at least?
Hey thanks!
Yes but I don’t want him to. The deal is he saves everything so his time here is efficient. When the day comes I give him the move-out date, there should be more saved.
He buys his own food etc. Pays his bills, and makes a token repayment to me from a long ago loan.
I cover the housing/utilities etc. The increase in cost is not unmanageable to me, but would hinder his savings.
It’s more of a me / space thing I think.
A have done a professional analysis of bitcoin price targets and I'm predicting 3,000 target within next 12 years, all else being equal.
Lol, have fun staying poor I guess.
так... 12 лет... дай подумать... 3000$ за монету... верно? это плюс 3 халвинга... и плюс рост вети на 200% .... изначально 24000 48000 99000 255000 так думается самый минимум к 2032... есть еще 2 года... оооо большие комиссии... и того 567000... это не прогноз... это реальность для минимума... потому как максимум даже мне неизвестен... Это как самая высокая температура, какая???
While you’re at it, could you swing me some winning lotto numbers?