Have a 17 year old and a 10 year old. Facing some solid resistance in convincing them to acknowledge Bitcoin is the future. They both own a few hundred thousand sats each so know the basic concepts but anything I’m missing to explain? UK based.
  • Give them tasks to do. Rewards in sats. Establish rules. Will appreciate the value of each sat.
  • Let them ask more questions, naturally.
  • Let them do side projects (installing nodes, bitcoin solutions, use case practice), to learn where Bitcoin can be used and how. Give them a reason to learn more about Bitcoin.
Couple quick thoughts:
  • Its your money, it can't be seized, stopped, censored. AKA - Perfect money for hiding things from your parents.
  • You could go the humanitarian route. You can send sats directly to starving families. No sanctions, no paper work.
  • You can earn sats to play games. Example: #114078 , thndr.gamesgames, etc..
Regarding earn sats while playing games, see the announcement of Satlantis and my post about bitcoin mining in minecraft
I like the games idea stated by others. Kids are used to collecting tokens with virtual value. Now that value extends to the real, physical world. Ain't physics great!
Their time preference is too high.
So, you could do what high time preference degen gamblers do. Perhaps show them something like options or perp swaps. But unlike degen gamblers, recommend a "safer" 3:1 leverage, ... for a small/tiny part of their holdings. They can go long or short.
Explain that this is risk. But they see gains and take some profits, and then use those funds for something fun, they might see bitcoin in a new light. Sure you could end up with a couple degen kids on your hands, so this is not actual advice. Just something to show them another way how bitcoin is used, other than buy and hodl.
пусть делают что считают нужным... сатоши не давал рекомендаций... оставь как есть все придет с опытом))) возможно даже смогут собрать целую монету)