Disclosure: I have been a walletscrutiny.com contributor for 1 year and 6 months now. But I am soon going to be with another project.
Most of these assertions are false. Except for one:
  • Leo did work with Mycelium, but no longer.
  • Leo in his AdoptingBitcoin2022 talk (It's on YT) explicitly said he does not recommend it.
  1. We did do a donation campaign on twitter and facebook - but not targeted towards wallet developers, but towards the general Bitcoin community. Leo explicitly asked us to not to accept anything from wallet developers/providers. For good cause.
  • WS did receive a grant from Spiral
  • WS did receive a grant from another organization that has nothing to do with wallets. (Will announce once they announce first)
  1. NVK blocked all our social media accounts and continued disparaging us, while not offering constructive reasoning why. Personally, I do not understand his beef with us, when he could just offer a sound technical perspective.
I think he believes that we're working with Foundation whom he accuses of pirating ColdCard's source. Which is not true. He's been all over social media and acting very unreasonable, attacking our identities.
Check up on ColdCard's history with Foundation. NVK's tweets about "Closed-source winning", how it was a mistake to use the GPL license, the change in ColdCard's license, etc.
NVK, and friends, I, personally have no beef with you. I'm sorry that you feel that way about us. It is truly unfortunate.
If it is true that a provider did copy from you, at a time, when the license for the ColdCard was GPL - then, I don't know what to say.
1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."