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People nowadays are saying REALLY STUPID SHIT. People are really retarded.
Oh wait, you are a retard shitcoiner... right.
also this teen bitch flippancy that "yer a shitcoiner" is based on your same shallow offendedness from another QUESTION I had asked in another post...
I like your cutty bitchiness quite a bit and think it serves a purpose, but your mother can suck my cock if this is how you respond to people who ask sincere questions , faggot .
did you even read it?
are you aware of this group and their intentions with the bitcoin reference client and what they were trying to do ? it was anything but "really stupid"...
calling me a retard because i post something and ask people to comment is whats fucking retarded.
Posting garbage it doesn't mean is interesting to ask about. It is just garbage. And you reading that garbage, proves your (low) level of intelligence.
so let me get this right , if I come across possible security issues that i may or may not solidly grasp , I should first DM you , lol , before I decide to ask for other , perhaps more insightful and sober opinions on a bitcoin dedicated forum - just so you can put your smart stamp on it?
sounds like yer the fucking idiot dude.
the fact that you think you know whats going on here is nothing but arrogant ignorance....
are you a spawn of a single mother or something ?