No. Protesting means you already accept it but you are just crying because you are forced to do it. Like a little child when is grounded. You cry and protest, but you still go back to your room and do your homework.
Don't protest. Just ignore it, rebut it's existence, it's utility, by simply not consenting.
EVERYTHING in this world is a contract. Including (especially) with a government. Protesting serve to nothing.
Here more insight about protesting
For your own reference here's the definition:
verb (used without object) to give manifest expression to objection or disapproval; remonstrate. to make solemn or earnest declaration.
Would that will end in something that you want? NO. Is totally USELESS.
You can protest as much as you want, I will always say NO. What you gonna do? Just consume your energy.
In other words, you will always give manifest expression to disapproval; or stated differently, you will always make a solemn or earnest declaration.
It's ok to be wrong about what a word means, but that's clearly what's going on here.