Alright, a serious one on adoption, please:
TL;DR Question: Name your authors on sociology, philosophy and architecture (if any)
Long Question: Say we have a 'bitcoinized' place: a) We have a geographical region and within: human settlements, each with its own social/cultural structures of parts:whole; b) Some/or the whole of its inhabitants bitcoin is destined to 'build and maintain channels' (infrastructure whatsoever: roads, bridges, transport); and, c) The region is self sufficient, resources speaking; the only 'out-border' exchanges are cultural ones. Would you:
  1. Find reasonable to 'lock' this regional bitcoin quantity and atomize it in order to monetize 'public work' within its inhabitants?
  2. If yes: Each region of the World might be developed under similar market structures, differentiated only by the relation of bitcoin-qty:regional-needs; Would this be a form of 'tokenized/federated' bitcoin that might work like bitcoin itself these days (lightning, c-lightning)?
  3. If no: Which other ways of 'riddance of fiat, now and for all' might be suggestible? The lock of bitcoin mightn't be a new recipe: pre-colombine era were more or less like it: lesser settlements related to a 'center' yet, each with it's own culture AND token/form of money.
Cheers Jaff, thanks for the AMA
Thank you, but your questions confuse me.
TLDR: Olavo de Carvalho. Long:
  1. You mean some overwhelming force will prevent people from spending Bitcoin outside of this place? Then no.
  2. If you're talking about "regional community currencies" thing I don't like that. I think it's anti-economical and doesn't really benefit anyone except for the fact that it looks peculiar. But maybe it would work if people voluntarily moved to this place with the goal of making it a fully bitcoinized experience. In this sense it would also work with gold, friend-to-friend credit channels or some other money.
Thank you too; sorry for the confusing questions: trial and error, now that I think.
Last one that should had been the first and only: Personal definition of experience and, if possible, of 'the' bitcoin-experience
ahahah, I give up.