LND is probably the most "robust" in terms of features. it has a built-in REST and gRPC API. so if you plan on building on it, it would be a good choice. it also has alot of good services that are built on top of it already that you can point at your node to get extra features and stuff. that said, it's back by lightning labs who tend to prioritize what features they need for their business instead of the network itself. not necessarily a bad thing. just something to know.
CLN is also a good option. it's backed by a company that does tend seem to care more about the community. the implementation is in a language that's harder to understand IMO. everything is a plugin, which is a blessing and a curse. this includes the gRPC API. the REST API is actually a separate project implemented as a plugin. this is needed if you want to connect it to something like Zeus so you can manage it on your phone. it has more of a feel of being in development and still being hacked on. it's a solid implementation for sure, but still has some rough edges to be aware of.
depending on your experience and technical know-how, i'd recommend LND for more of a beginner or if you just wanna get something setup. CLN is great if you wanna explore building things on top of the lightning network because their plugin system makes it super easy.
This is very helpful. For CLN, there seem to be multiple ways to request data from the node: sparko and c-lightning-REST being two I know about. I read somewhere there's a new way to request data that isn't either of these but can't remember what it is.
Which is the preferred library used these days to make calls to the node?
Wow! Great explanation cleared my basics.