Watchtowers need to have really reliable access to current chain data. In our project Indranet, it is one of the early goals to create the ability to access chain data anonymously across many remote peers and this will create strong reliability for such needs, while also preventing this access from being correlated to an IP address.
Private centralised failover clusters is a great idea, but unless they are geographically distributed and highly redundant it will be less than ideal. Running Bitcoin on VPSs is a pretty expensive activity, for sure Indranet will lower that cost dramatically, while paying the hosts for their service via fees on traffic.
The bitcoin p2p network is relatively primitive, better than it used to be, but the clear solution is to have access to multiple user-level access to RPCs that is spam-resistant for the operators.
LN needs this kind of service and capability to fully resist attempts by hackers and griefers, I'd say there is a viable business model there in providing failure resistant access to chain data RPCs, reducing the total cost for users.