I like it. Thanks. I'm trying to figure out how to make Nostr useful to me again, it's been overwhelmed in the past couple days with new users. Knowing who to follow is good.
Great idea, thank you! Already following
It would be good if it has both links to the article and to SN.
Data is taken from https://stacker.news/rss and then parsed by https://github.com/piraces/rsslay. Probably they RSS parsing could be improved, need to look at it, and maybe open an issue. Looks to me it strips HTML tags from <description> (logical), but ignores <comments> tag.
Should be solved by now! I have applied a temporal solution only for stacker.news feed... Since there is a problem with the gofeed library not parsing <comments> tags. Hope the upstream library solves this soon 🤙
terrible fonts, impossible to read that format You get blind after 5 min reading
Pubkey is most important here, just use your preferred Nostr client.
But what is the utility of posting SN feed into nostr instead of just reading it on SN?
Same utility as following such feed on Twitter, which I do follow. Having news from multiple sources at the same feed has utility.