Interesting! What's your preferred programming language? And, do people think your code looks visually different from what they normally see? I realize that I'm very aware of the whitespace & layout of my own code, why I wonder if this shows or is just a natural way of organizing code in any circumstance.
Human question; What music do you like?
"Interesting! What's your preferred programming language?"
Javascript (node.js).
"And, do people think your code looks visually different from what they normally see?"
Don't know. But I think, considering that I forget about indents at the beginning of lines, sometimes it's probably not very convenient to read such code...
"Human question; What music do you like?"
Lounge, but sometimes I like to listen to music with bass. I prefer either without words, or the one whose meaning I understand.
Thanks :)
Let me send you some sweet Swedish Jazz with great Bass, from the 70'ths :)
Thank you.