John 14:6 allows me to judge what you consider salvation. There is one way
Proclaiming the gospel to them when I encounter them? I would do all that I can to walk along side a brother or sister addicted to any sin.
I notice you do not admit your own status of sinner. James 2:10
I do not know which practice allows you to take judgement of others without witnesses.
My testimony is that- Restricting use of psychedelics does not help spread the gospel.
Your ignorance of the bodily effects of these substances disqualifies you as a judge on this issue.
I have my own example of returning to sobriety through the use of these medicines and I will continue to share my experience honestly.
Thank you
I am a sinner saved by the blood of Christ, I have no righteousness of my own.
I can find many orthodox Christians that will be my 2-3 witnesses on this account.
Just because you've experienced something doesn't mean God is pleased with you. We must judge things according to the standard of God's word. The principle of sober-mindedness clearly teaches that what you are doing is sin. Please repent
The self-righteousness is obvious.
But I am not judging you, what will your witnesses say about me? They do not know my heart.
This type of condemnation drives others away from faith and throws stones across their path