And after you expose it, you’ll have a better, happier or more fulfilled life? Your own liberty will be enhanced?
Absolutely! Liberty is gained by inches. The power that statist want to retain is very enticing to them, and they do not give in to dissenters easily.
Counter-Economics, teaching my own children, sharing with people like you, here, and leveraging the modern day technological tools available to us... Yes. Liberty is enhanced! Both personally and broadly. It is enhanced when people begin to think without blinders and cognitive dissonance. Then technologies such as that provided by Bitcoin, become remarkable tools toward gaining incremental individual Liberty. By arming oneself, and others with TRUTH. Awareness of truth can be very liberating as it frees the minds of people who may have felt powerless and incapable of taking steps toward their own freedom.
While I have plenty of misgivings about many of the myths surrounding the so-called American "founding fathers..." Consider the following quote:
Excerpt from Samuel Adams' Speech at the Philadelphia State House - August 1, 1776
"Our forefathers, 'tis said, consented to be subject to the laws of Great Britain. I will not, at present, dispute it, nor mark out the limits and conditions of their submission: but will it be denied that they contracted to pay obedience, and to be under the control of Great Britain, because it appeared to them most beneficial in their then present circumstances and situations? We, my countrymen, have the same right to consult and provide for our happiness, which they had to promote theirs. If they had a view to posterity in their contracts, it must have been to advance the felicity of their descendants. If they erred in their expectations and prospects, we can never be condemned for a conduct which they would have recommended had they foreseen our present condition."

Likewise - I have the same ability to consult and provide for MY happiness as they had to promote theirs.