Very useful. For complete newbies, I used to recommend Wallet of Satoshi and recently Muun because WoS increased the fees, and Muun has been extremely simple to use as well (ie just works).
What do people recommend for newbies (for small funds/payments, not hodling)?
When I meet someone who doesn't have bitcoin, I tell them to download Muun and send them 1000 sats. "Look no banks!"
Then I tell them to watch Hello Bitcoin's videos.
I don't want to shit on Muun, but is a terrible experience for a noob to start with Muun. I would use Muun when I would want to obtain free sats, exploiting their shity system But yeah that will not be fair with the noobs, bcause if I steal those sats from Muun, they will impose more fees on noobs, and that will be terrible experience. I don't want that. So I have my resistance in recommending this wallet to a noob.
I really like BlueWallet's approach. In its default config its custodial, which is good for onboarding newbies.
However, it can be trivially configured to connect to your own Electrum server + LNBITs install...and will do so over Tor. So if you are running umbrel its basically the perfect mobile companion for that.
Pretty impressive work here!
This is amazing. Thanks!
I agree muun for newbies, even tho it's considered custodial, I really like the breeze wallet as well, logging in with lightning is the future guys