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  • Stacker news is giving you a LN address and LNURL
  • LNtipBot LN address + LNURL + donation page
  • WoS - LN address + LNURL
  • CoinOS - LNUIRL + LN Address + many more things
  • Phoenix also can create amountless LN invoice that can be shared
Afaik, getalby is a good solution but requires the other party to have it installed as a browser extension, so other wallets cant send sats to a <username>@getalby.com "address".
Your assumption is wrong. ANY LN wallet that support to send to LNURL can send to a LN address. You don't need to use it only with Alby browser extension.
Please read more about many LN wallets capabilities on my guide https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lightning-wallets-comparison
can you also tell me (maybe share a url to a guide) how to get a LN address and LNURL via Stackernews?
LOL man is so fricking easy, don't you get it? base58@stacker.news
i didn't know about it hahha
what about the LNURL? how i know what is the lnurl associated with "based58@stacker.news" or with "based58@getalby.com" ?
Put any LN address in it and decode it.
Any LN address is actually a LNURL. Any LNURL is actually a LN invoice, only that is calling a web server to generate it. So every time you use a LN address, you actually generate a LN invoice from the destination wallet.
LN is magic!
I love high effort posts like yours.
thank you! I appreciate your very informative answer