This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I keep having an image of nature as a metaphor for Bitcoin but I can't quite word it or fully conceptualize it. Something like a tree. Absorbing and expending energy. The leaves are miners coming in and out of existence as long as energy is plentiful and cheap. The trunk the base layer consensus blockchain. The roots being full nodes verifying that rules are kept in check. And perhaps mycelium, underneath that as a way of communicating information of what is happening on the base layer above as a transaction network like Lightning.
Or maybe I'm just too deep in the sauce. Oh Monday's.
Playing around with the inpainting / masking interface for stable diffusion on PlaygroundAI ( It's pretty amazing- the interface is so easy a child can use it. Next generation photoshopping via prompting.
deletion feedback:
I would rather you delete the author info and keep the content than keep the author info and delete the content
because people replying could quote the content anyway. the biggest thing is removing your name from a statement you made before, for example.
Interesting take! @k00b, any opinion on that?
I responded in the following day's daily thread: #129107
If the Fed offered you 20% interest but you had to sell your BTC would you take it? Be honest
Be honest
found the shitcoiner
I would say it depends on the specifics. Where do the 20% interest come from? And can I immediately exchange the interest earned back into bitcoin?
Edit: Oh, I didn't read properly. I have to sell my BTC lol, so I guess no, I can't buy bitcoin with it
Then definitely a no.
They can literally print out all that 20% for free, devaluating the dollar.
Makes no sense to exchange Bitcoin for that.
That would be just another stablecoin Ponzi scheme.
Fuck no.
It would have the opposite effect of what they intended. That would destroy my remaining confidence in the dollar.
This morning, I received an email from CoinDCX informing me that my job application had been rejected (fine 😑). After that, I spent my time working on LightningX(my hobby project), implemented a bolt11 decoder and invoice payment functionality. That's all for Monday, so goodbye!
What could restore faith in the dollar to you?
Perhaps a Constitutional ban on the US military invading other countries. That's how the US made it's currency the world reserve currency. And that's how it maintains that status, with all the concomitant horrors. So without global military supremacy, the US Dollar would quickly return to being just another banana republic currency (the US is the original banana republic, afterall).
Dollar backed by bitcoin
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam - I watched this documentary today -
Well hello there people!!! It's Monday and the month is gone, just one more day and poof, done. Year is going fast, so seize the day (Carpe Diem), enjoy each day and be thankful everyday for something. Alt season is starting this year and make sure you profit from it, I wish you all a great Monday and lots of good vibes going your way, you matter, you are worthy. Be well my friends and stay frosty!!!
Carping those diems.
You knooooow it!!!! It's a good buying moment... Already DCA'd some hehehehhe