Many of the same people who wrote with stunning ignorance about COVID (hoax) are doing the same now with Russia/Ukraine (false war), which illustrates how media people who are paid to have opinions end up as weathervanes and nothing more. Stop taking sides in that fake war. YOU are the victim. Just stack sats, run nodes, fuck the banks, eat popcorn.
Guys, stop taking sides, this is bigger than you think and YOU are in the middle. YOU HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED. I warn you! You will remember my words.
wow dude, relax a little
The ukrainian government isn't a "killing machine" - they are being attacked, not the agressor themselves. Op did not say you have to give them money - you are free to do whatever you want with your money - that is the beauty of bitcoin. Why do you think it is a "fake" war?
Also, covid is not a hoax.
I wish it was so easy... I could tell all of the families of the patient's i've pronounced dead over the past year those deaths were a hoax...
OK boomer, take your blood clots jab...
The beauty of Bitcoin is that you don't have to do anything you don't want to with your money.
My point here isn't to tell people how to behave or who to support.
I find it fascinating that anyone in the world can either participate or simply watch money stream into Ukraine in real-time.
Kind of amazing how Bitcoin is acting as the most reliable financial platform for people in Ukraine right now.
I will warn you again and later you will remember my warning. You have been played. Just by RT this coming from (supposedly) a government, you are just playing their game. You are supporting to donate to a government... that later will come against you. MARK MY WORDS
@DarthCoin I agree that giving money to ANY government is not ideal.
However, right now there are people suffering, people who are fighting for their lives and a little bit more freedom. Sitting and eating popcorn is an option but some people want to do more and help. If it’s their choice, I don’t see any problem with it. How else can they help? Are there better ways how to help with Bitcoin? Maybe more targeted donations?