I think it may be in order to change some terms or something? There's this language here that indicates they did this on purpose and is going to apply again. Only reason I can think is to change the conditions of their application. https://support.primetrust.com/hc/en-us/articles/12311927816987-Will-Prime-Trust-ever-return-to-Texas-
Yeah I saw that language. Even compared to the language from this: https://support.primetrust.com/hc/en-us/articles/8738244438299-South-Dakota-FAQs it is more hopeful.
But it isn't clear what the time frame of "swiftly" means. If it has no legal definition then that could still be years. If it is still what any normal human expects the word "swift" to mean then why does their FAQ state accounts will be closed, new accounts cannot be opened, etc?
Seems like that is pretty destructive because it still means exchanges will need to close down accounts. It seems like there would be a better way to do whatever they are trying to accomplish so I am suspicious of the language.