Powerful tools of self-exploration, or dangerous substances?
And why are the governments so afraid of them?
it is fun in low doses, had fantastic times on shrooms or LSD with friends. You can appreciate the world and small things like a little kid, gives you a different perspective on life. But i also had hard experiences, negative thoughts, fear etc. - in the end i learned more from those experiences than from the fun ones.
The government is afraid of it because you will realize that they are full of shit and our system of authority and obeying is absolutely ridiculous.
Probably not dangerous (relatively speaking), but for self-exploration, nothing beats silence and solitude, and this is safer, cheaper, and easier (though not always simple!)
I've done Ayahuasca three times before kids, but won't probably do it again. I have the vague suspicion that "self exploration" is used deceptively, i think it is just another code word for more spark, big bang experience to fill that void most of us feel inside. That was partially the case for me, anyway.
My 2 sats.
did having kids change that void?
In a way, yes. It's humbling, It gives life meaning and purpose, and something to aim for. It has the potential to be an opportunity for redemption.
I have had my fair share of experiences with psychedelics. I have tried pretty much any type you can think of except for mescalin. I think Acid is a way to break free from the world and explore things normally a person could not experience. Mushrooms are more of a body high. Do not get me wrong if you take enough mushrooms you will definitely see things but nothing like acid. I have also tried something called 2CB which was one of the most extreme trips I have had. There are so many more I could go over but these are the three that had the most life-changing effects after I took them.
Psychedelics are amazing and when used to lift your mind, body, and soul in the right conditions they can be life-changing. It can also become an extremely bad experience if you do not know what you are doing and are not in the right mindset or place. People, places, and things are a big part of tripping.
I have never had flashbacks but I have heard that it is a real thing and can be pretty extreme for some people. Everyones trip is different and everyone will be effected different from each type of trip.
2CB was a nightmare for me lol. You have to try DMT. in and out 20 minutes.
2CB was pretty intense. I had a great time but my girlfriend on the other hand did not lol. DMT is another one I have not tried actually. I have heard so many good things about DMT but have never had the time or resources to try it. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to run across some.
https://thepsychedelicscientist.com/dmt-extraction/ A little chemistry experiment ;) don't skip the "washing" step! You want to have mostly white-color at the end, yellow means it has lots of bitter residue left. Not dangerous though
Thanks for sharing that. I am for sure going to be trying this in the future.
Never used them and I'm skeptical about trying. While rare, LSD flashbacks are a thing and I knew a guy once who got them. I like doing dangerous things like climbing and cave exploration where moments of inattention can pretty easily kill you, so I'm skeptical about trying (less intense things like microdosing LSD are probably fine).
But you do you.
Thanks for sharing! Do you mind telling more about the flashbacks? Most reports on them are vague and broad, so if you could contribute, that'd be great
I know little to nothing about most substances, but I've read a bit about the origins of marijuana prohibition in the US and the current state of affairs. And I think there is one answer to your question of why are the governments so afraid of them which us, bitcoiners, can understand easily.
I think one of the reasons that explains why weed is mostly outlawed, while the seemingly comparable alcohol has a full green light from the government, is that the production of the former is highly decentralized, while the latter is highly centralized.
There is a lot of big money behind alcohol. It's pretty much an oligopoly on the western countries and the third world as well (every other south east asian beer brand is basically just Heineken relabeled). These guys are willing to invest plenty into lobbying. And they wouldn't like people to easily access weed since that could hurt their sales.
On the other hand, marijuana can easily be grown by anyone at home with very little knowledge and resources. It tends to decentralize: the moment "big" marijuana producers would get too greedy, produce too low quality or just offer the market a bad service somehow, people would easily retrace to growing it at home. Damn, I'm sure a lot of people would always grow it at home in the first place and never rely on companies to grow it for them.
So, I think this is just another instance of the pattern where you have a very reduced group of people (the alcohol lobby) who can benefit incredibly from a favorable regulation, while you have a very large body of people (weed consumers and potential consumers) who are affected negatively by that same regulation, but only subtly at the individual level. Because of this, big alcohol is willing to get active and visit Washington as much as needed to keep weed illegal, while on the weed trench, nobody has a billions-strong incentive to go and mingle with the regulators.
Marijuana is not a psychedelic
How would you classify it?
CNS despressent
While I agree 'psychedelic' might be overstating weed's effect, I think CNS depressant is understating it.
That's an interesting perspective, thanks! And it totally makes sense: which substance should be used for improving mental health: a patented and centrally-produced pills from the big pharma, or little mushrooms which can be grown easily nearly anywhere and by anyone? And which one should be made illegal to destroy the competition?
Actually, there have been meds with cannabionoids (basically, pharma-format weed) for decades. It's only illegal if you, filthy individual, touch the thing. When it's a big pharma doing it, it's all good.
You might find this and this reads interesting.
And of course: the pharma version of it costs about x200 times more. And that's not a way of talking, you can run the numbers yourself.
Marinol has been available since the 90s
Marinol is Dronabinol. Synthetic delta 9 thc
I believe that they are spiritually dangerous. Keep in mind that my take is from a Christian (specifically Eastern Orthodox) perspective.
What psychadelics do is open up your "nous" (aka spiritual perception) and make you suggestible. The ideas and "enlightenment" that people receive while in this state are not their own thoughts or realizations. When people talk about seeing their spirit animal, machine elves, or other entities, they are actually seeing real entities. Most of the time these are demons taking advantage of your vulnerable state to lead you into spiritual delusion.
Does this mean they possess you? Not necessarily. These are ancient and extremely intelligent beings. They'll use whatever means appropriate to keep you from God. If that means they have to possess you, they will. If simply pointing you in the wrong direction works, they'll do that. They don't care if you worship them, contract them, believe they're faeries, or don't believe they exist at all. So long as you are lead astray, they're happy. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis illustrates this beautifully.
I've heard testimonies where psychadelics have been a stepping stone in a spiritual journey culminating in finding Christ. But in almost all the stories I've heard, they quit the substances and become Christians. Psychadelics are simply not a reliable way to find God or even truth for that matter. 99.9% of the time it will be demons feeding you lies and half-truths.
I think the only reason why governments are afraid is because of old-school, anti-drug contingents within them. Once they lose power or die off, I think psychadelics will not only be legalized, but popularized through psyops.
If all the stories you have heard led to finding Christ then how was that not a positive thing? Real Psychedelics are not addictive and do not need to be used repeatedly. They exist for those lost in addictions. They can heal and reopen the "nous" - for those that are healthy then alright, there is no need to change. but those that are damaged must be healed to find peace in their lives.
Very few of the stories I heard led to Christ, most did not. The few that did end up becoming Christian had a common theme: it was a stepping stone in the process of finding truth. The psychadelics themselves did not reveal Christ to these people, it was their honest search for truth that led them there. The most they did was dispel their notion of materialism. A step in the right direction, but it doesn't justify the use of these substances.
God can use sin to do good, like a judo master using his opponent's weight against them. That does not mean that we should sin nor does it mean that God wants us to sin.
Psychadelics don't heal the nous. It simply leaves you spiritually open. It is only through the process of salvation and theosis that heals the nous and brings peace.
I am Slavic Catholic. It is an interesting thing to say using drugs is a sin. While gluttony of all forms is, did Christ not turn the water to wine? Anyway I do not think you are wrong. My experience took me through 99 negatives until 1 positive. However if we condemn it all as sin- people like me are left with only bad influences during that time- the living manifestations of demons: pharmaceutical companies and drug dealers. They are not hidden somewhere else, they are here among us. And once someone takes that path- the way back is terrifying and difficult.
I believe based on my own experience and others that I have known, certain psychedelic medicines can help some individuals recover from addictions.
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To your first question, I would say they are dangerous substances that open ones mind up to demonic attack. They relieve the mind of its usual interaction with the material realm and allows your mind to enter a spiritual plane. This is not the way God has prescribed us to interact with the spiritual realm so you only open yourself up to demons and evil and not anything good. So, not its not a useful tool for self-exploration, its purely dangerous
To your second question, governments aren't afraid of them lol. That why they are slowly legalizing drugs and allowing drugs to run rampant in our society. Drugs are a hindrance to society not a blessing. God explicitly forbids necromancy, mediums, pharmakaia, and the like. Repent and Believe in the Lord Jesus.
Listen to this podcast on Aaron Rogers taking Psychedelics I did.
  1. God commands us as stewards of this world to not be afraid. Outside of the garden we are not forbidden to eat fruits of the earth remaining to us.
  2. Governments (meaning big pharma) their ARE afraid of psychedelics destroying our dependency on their evil poisonous "pain" and "depression" pills.
The campaign to destroy our spiritual perception has been pervasive. 99% of "drugs" the religious naysayers are correct about. However the remaining 1% can be used safely and to positive effect.
These being of the earth:
  1. Reggie Cannabis (much weaker natural strains of "weed" that is only slightly stronger than tobacco but much healthier, the big cannabis industry has created much too powerful unnatural concentrated doses.)
  2. Magic Mushrooms (grown on dead trees or cow feces, the effect heals trauma and is therapeutic in natural (small) doses.)
  3. Mimosa tenuiflora / Banisteriopsis caapi vine (DMT/Ayahuasca, the spirit molecule.) This drug is from God and removed my addictions. I have seen the other side and rejoiced in the vision of future life (I saw more souls remaining to be incarnated than those who have already lived and passed on) it showed me that humanity survives and the best is yet before us as a species. That experience was almost 10 years ago now. There is no "addiction" to real psychedelics, they exist for those lost souls like mine- they offer a path needed by many.
1 Peter 5:8 says to be sober-minded. I can't fathom how you would consider Psychedelics to be considered "sober-mindedness". It is not glorifying to God to relieve yourself of the regular contraints of your conscious that God has given us.
Also, just because a substance has a desired effect (in your eyes) doesn't mean that it is good. If I want to feel the pleasure of sex, but do so outside of the bounds God has given, its goodness in my eyes does not make it actually good. Satan comes as an angel of light and if you receive "help" from drugs its from a false light and not the true one. Many have been lead astray thinking themselves close to God but actually far from him (Matt 7:23). God sets the rules on what is good. Even if you are relieved of hardships through drugs, it does not neccesitate that it pleased God in your doing so. Logical fallacy my friend.
Cyanide natural occurs in nature, is God pleased if I ingest this? Just because something occurs in nature doesn't mean it is good. Nature is fallen.
Those are my thoughts. Please repent and turn to Christ.
I do not claim that Psychedelics make someone sober during their use, or that they are "good" just because they are natural. If a substance produces a desired effect than it is effective, but I did not claim that makes it "good".
There are many different kinds of drugs, including wine, and you would not be wrong to imagine most are used to induce pleasure. However, isolated Psychedelics like DMT do not make the user feel "relieved of hardships" at all. In fact, they can present a path to confronting the hardship. I was addicted to pleasure-inducing drugs and after my experience 10 years ago I no longer am. This psychedelic method is being developed to help pleasure-inducing-drug addicts (users of heroin, fentanyl, pain/depression pills) make a recovery.
Philippians 2:4 (KJV) Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Romans 14:13 (NIV) Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
While this medicine can be used to help our bodies, our salvation is between ourselves and God. As in Matthew 7 Judge not, lest ye be judged.
I just disagree with all of that. DMT is produced endogenously in the body. It has a designed purpose in the body, not to be "taken" in some external way contrary to God's design. I disagree with your presuppositions underlying your argumentation. There are substances that are used in a medicinal way but when you talk about using drugs to help you confront a sin of pleasure inducing drug addiction you treat drugs as salvation of the sin rather than belief in the Lord Jesus and his spirit of freedom.
Stop judging my judging of you to be wrong ie. stop twisting the scriptures
Who are you to judge what I consider my salvation? I am a sinner and NOT a prophet. But even I can see your self-righteousness and glorification of your own judgement. There is only one Law giver and Judge. James 4:11-12
I ask you, what are you doing to help our brothers and sisters in drug addiction?
John 14:6 allows me to judge what you consider salvation. There is one way
Proclaiming the gospel to them when I encounter them? I would do all that I can to walk along side a brother or sister addicted to any sin.
I notice you do not admit your own status of sinner. James 2:10
I do not know which practice allows you to take judgement of others without witnesses.
My testimony is that- Restricting use of psychedelics does not help spread the gospel.
Your ignorance of the bodily effects of these substances disqualifies you as a judge on this issue.
I have my own example of returning to sobriety through the use of these medicines and I will continue to share my experience honestly.
Thank you
Simple answers:
When used responsibly they seem very effective at "self-exploration" or treating some psychological issues.
At least in the US, there's a tendency to ban things that either compete with pharmaceutical products or are traditionally used by minorities.
Gave me the worst night of my life. Went into a waking paranoid nightmare. Literally went insane for a night. Will never ever touch again. Don't do it kids.
I'm sorry you had bad experience. From what I've gathered, taking psychedelics unprepared can be truly terrifying
Terrence McKenna, an ethnobotanist/authority on shamanism once said, “Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing.”
This is due to the fact that psychedelic drugs inhibit our hippocampal censorship mechanisms, which means they allow us to see things as they really are. Another reason psychedelics are dangerous to “The Man” is because they create a feeling of unity, and united groups of people are harder to control, just like we saw with the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Terrence McKenna does have some awesome insights!
they can be really beneficial to self-exploration, but have inherent risks with a huge potential downside. i know this from experience.
Mind to elaborate?
i know criticism of psychedelics can be a touchy subject, so i'll preface this by saying that i attribute a substantial part of my success today to the things i learned about myself through them. basically, your mileage may vary.
psychedelics have the ability to activate dormant mental illness that can be very difficult to triage and therapy out of someone's life. it might be anecdotal, but i've seen a few people bring things out of trips that have been hugely detrimental to the rest of their lives thus far (20+ years since it happened)
Thanks for sharing, and I agree with that: psychedelics are certainly not for everyone and ideally, a lot of research needed to determine safe and beneficial parameters
Psychedelics can be extremely beneficial if you do it under the right circumstances and with the right people. It can heal the mind, body, and soul depending on which type you are using.
On the other hand, if you decide to take a strong psychedelic with people you are not comfortable with or people who decide it will be funny to fuck with you while you are tripping then you have a chance of going into a full-blown bad trip mode. This entails hard breathing, strong and scary vivid hallucinations, feelings of death and negativity, feeling of lostness, and a pounding chest. These are only some of the symptoms of a bad trip and can be different for everyone. Take these with caution and around people you trust in a safe environment with mellow and calming music if you are trying to get the most out of your trip then making sure your surroundings are safe is one of the most important parts of tripping.
In a basic sense; all of the above. They’re just what they are. Usage and intent are up to us. So, do whatever man, long as you’re not fucking around with other people’s lives.
As for fear of them; because fear is easy and easier to justify as a reason for action or inaction.
Fun times when done responsibly
Powerful tools of self-exploration, or dangerous substances?
Both are true. Guns are powerful tools of security and dangerous weapons. Power and danger tend to go hand in hand.
disclaimer: psychedelics should be taken with caution, especially if you have a history or familial history of mental illness
I've taken most of the tier 1 psychedelics - LSD, mushrooms, molly. As weird as it sounds, I tend to view them as a way to communicate with my own mind. I tend to view my mind as an agent I ordinarily have limited access to. I also view the experiences as a kind of yard stick for mental states - letting me know what's possible to think/feel. I've never had a "bad trip" but I don't tend to view distress/pain as something I want to avoid at all costs.


I did a full LSD dose once on a hike with friends and was kind of ambivalent about the experience - kind of a silly, scattered, agitating experience. I imagine in another setting I'd have a significantly different experience.


My experiences with mushrooms have been better. I've only done a heroic dose once, intentionally alone, and while the experience was great/relieving, I spent about an hour lying prone on the floor crying. I at least felt like I ended up learning a lot and came back with, at the highest level, learnings like "the meaning of life is to create meaning" and "the purpose of life is to create more life and help what lives."


I've done molly twice, maybe three times. The first time was profound and the other times were nice but not terribly revealing. The first time I got in contact with overwelming bliss, "so this is what it feels like to be happy." It also helped me experience heightened empathy for myself which I tend to struggle with.
This was all years ago. I occasionally take microdoses of LSD if I feel like I'm in a mental rut and want an escape hatch - highly recommend it.
And why are the governments so afraid of them?
Consensus is hard and these drugs are poorly understood.
These might be "poorly understood" by the mainstream. But if you know where to look you will find people that have a lot of experience operating in these domains.
They are purely for entertainment. To actually grow as a human being or what ur goal is takes a different approach. Namely therapy. I mean you may feel different after a psychedekic trip but you will still have same habits and be no better off in the long term in fact you can say they are counter productive in that case. AI can perhaps make therapy lower cost more accessible and less of a taboo.
The last Bitcoin cycle has been enough of a bad trip to me... but the cleansing of the market definetely is healing
They don't like your open thoughts.
On psychedelics you're able to contribute on another level.
Once you see the world through the lenses of mushrooms or LSD, you can't unsee it. I think it opens your mind, helps you question your assumptions.
I've seen ayahuasca helping people to get rid of alcohol addiction.
You can probably achieve similar transformations by meditation or reading books, but if you are one of those people who don't listen to advice and must try everything for themselves, psychedelics will be faster way to get there.
So I think it can be very powerful tools, but I'm sure there is some cost to it as well:-)
Why governments don't like it, I have no idea, but another positive signal for psychedelics:-)
Take it easy, but take it.
Two sats/cents: Set and setting Look into the work of Stan Grof There is a lot of depth in this work, but its not for everyone. Agreed, some people due to their composition, it might leave them worse off (usually probably because they don't properly "come back")
It's a bit like guns, there is such a thing like gun safety. Or like going to NYC, there is the best and worst kind of experience you can have, depending on where you navigate yourself to. Just like the internet, you can get rekt with malware and find all kinds of seedy things, yet there is a lot of beauty and value to be experienced as well. It's a zoo out there, best not just to take off without an experienced guide, if you do not have the experience yourself.. (an opinion)
I'm torn on it, I've used it once and I had a pretty memorable trip and thought okay I've had my fill of it and didn't think much of it, then I did some work for a rehab centre, and saw some people who weren't as fortunate as me, so yeah its a split decision for me, use with care I suppose
биткоин сначала укажет потом покажет. все решаемо.что такое власть? они не бояться. они понимают. просто нужно изучить ИИ. это более глубокий способ познать. алкоголь это водка. а это новый вид соединения малекул. или можешь использовать холодный синтез.