LN has 2 fee types, a % fee and a base fee. It is customizable, the routing node decides both of them. They can both be set to 0 if the router wants it that way. Here's a cool article about this: https://medium.com/suredbits/lightning-101-lightning-network-fees-86abbbc17024
Obviously he's looking at this from the perspective of a person looking to pay, not as a node operator. You can't pick out a zero fee router for you particular payment.
You most certainly can! It's just not something that's supported in a lot of clients. IIRC you can do it in for example ThunderHub :)
Edit: it's even available in Zeus under the "Payment Settings" option. Default maximum is 100 sats / 0.5%
I believe what you're referring to on Thunderhub is setting maximum fees to open a channel, which is in fact an on chain transaction, not a lightning fee.
Yeah, you can set limits but you can't set specific fees, which is a different thing. If your limit is too low, you can't even try to send the transaction
My point is you can't select a "path" unless you have opened a channel to a particular vendor.
Yeah that's true, I was a little busy while reading it so I didn't pay much attention. I think the article I linked is still relevant for OP to understand routing fees, but we currently don't have a way to choose fees as the spender, no
No doubt education helps, and those were good articles