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US and european media is celebrating the youngest miracle: the US and the Eurozone seem to avoid a recession - worst case scenario: a soft landing.
Now let's watch the best recession indicator: the yield curve. It shows the steepest inclination since decades and points towards a strong recession.
But what is going on that numbers show the opposite? It's war economy, state demand and pure keynesian manipulation of money and gross demand.
That's exactly what is inflating the GDP for the last 3 years: artifical state demand meanwhile the private sector is contracting steadily. Watch the real job numbers, the participation rate to get an idea of the real economy we are facing. It's a free fall...
The global money system that started in 1971 is failing, and they are doing everything they can to hide it while they run off with our bags.
I wouldn't be surprised at all seeing the war escalating faster.
WW3 is already happening, the whole pandemic thing was the beginning of the standard border closing routine that presages its coming. And as you know, they make a world war when their fiat ponzi is collapsing to try and burn all the bagholders (with phosphorus, if possible!) so they can resume with a fresh generation of dupes.
Bitcoin really is the only light in a world of darkness right now, and because of this it's also starting to be focused on as a punching bag to try and keep people from noticing that they've swept so much under the rug you can't walk around in the room without looking at the floor.
You're right. Imagine this: I am sittting in a train in Germany where still a mask mandate exists up to 2.2. They nearly kicked me out of this shit train for refusing it while standing alone (!!) between two cabins. It's the end of zivilisation
I'm not grieving the end of this fiat world. People need to get up to date with the state of things and unfortunately humans very much dislike change but change happens... They try to stop it when it's human ideas but ideas that are infectious cannot be denied. Eventually they have to accept it, or die trying to reject it.
Heresy is simply that which breaks the stability of the existing order. The ones who benefit from it spend incredible amounts of (stolen) resources in order to protect the order but eventually a dude goes up to a church door and nails a declaration and the high priests have to take that punch in the nuts.
As I understand Bitcoin it's on one hand this new declaration of liberty rights for those who chose this fight by buying it. On the other hand it is the manifestation of technological and culturel evolution that develops a secret force of gravitation that pulls You in whereever You are.
Interesting regarding borders closing before a war/reset. Do you have any links to where one can read about that on past occasions?
если поднять стоимость биткоина на 100% сейчас то выгоднее будет майнить чем делать пушки и танки)) если их интересует прибыль то так и случиться а если интересует война то это будет жарко...намекаю...понимаешь?