As words are revealed, anyone can brute force the backup to find the wallet & earn millions of sats.
So now I wait for an article from some dishonest mainstream media or anti-bitcoiner that touts how "it only took a few days for a bitcoin wallet to get "cracked" with brute force". (This will be similar to how, a long time after Trezor released a firmware fix for a vulnerability , someone's PIN for an unsecure Trezor (which did not have that firmware fix) was able to be recovered through cracking.
Of course, when that "bitcoin wallet cracked" article happens you'll need to read beyond the title (and maybe to the bottom of the article) to find that this was "cracked" because a very insecure setup -- some or all all of the seed words were shared publicly, making the "cracking" computationally possible.
This is in contrast to how bitcoin, where the seed words are kept private, is not vulnerable to brute force attacks -- and is"secured by the laws of the universe":
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