My LN node force-closed a channel and now those funds are on the blockchain with a 'Locktime' of 550,999,926.
That number appears to be a UNIX timestamp (not block height). But when converted to a date I get Thursday, June 18, 1987 7:32:06 GMT.
Why would locktime be in the past? What am I missing?
Lncli pendingchannels
And you will see the real block when will be released. Usually not more than 144 blocks
What would we do without you @DarthCoin?! Thank you!
Lncli pendingchannels gives me the following...
{ "total_limbo_balance": "0", "pending_open_channels": [ ], "pending_closing_channels": [ ], "pending_force_closing_channels": [ ], "waiting_close_channels": [ ] }
I assume this means all funds have been released. Though I'm still not sure what a 'Locktime' value of 550,999,926 translates to.
This seems that you don't have any pending channels. Arf you sure you still didn't get the funds? Maybe you are looking to the other side peer utxo. If the peer was the initiator of force close you could receive the funds (if were for you) but the peer must wait.
Yes, you are correct. I now see the ‘settled balance’ in my transaction history.
When I initially looked up the closing transaction ID on-chain I saw the Locktime and thought it was being held up.