it's been connected for two days and nothing.
Initial Block Download for core can take a really long time, especially if your network is slow or hardware isn't that fast (i.e. a Raspberry Pi will complete IBD much slower than a good gaming desktop would). I run a node on an ancient thinkpad for reasons, and that IBD took ~two weeks*! Once Bitcoin Core has synced, the Electrum server will then have to do its own sync where it indexes what core has downloaded.
You can check if Core is actually getting new blocks by looking at the end of the bitcoin-core logs for new lines with "update tip" and new block hashes. I'll guess the log file is at /home/citadel/bitcoin/debug.log for you in Citadel? ('normally' it'd be ~/.bitcoin/debug.log for a DIY off-the-shelf install)

*=I got fed up waiting after a day and swapped the SSD into a desktop, completed IBD there in a day or so, then put it back into the Thinkpad. But it would've taken weeks at the pace it was going.
I couldn't, it stayed on for a month and nothing. Now I ask, is there a way for me to open the seeds in another wallet and have access to the fund that was in Citadel, I would just like to have access to the fund to withdraw, and then I will buy a raspberry PI5 and do it all over again. What would be the best way for me to access the fund that was in Citadel?