Thank you Darth!
I'm glad you like it.
yes i know that, my intention was "twisting" this narrative for a "non violent" or "protesting" revolution, in fact, this was where i spend most of the time editing and finding the right words and avoiding violence scenes: i find interesting taking iconic characters and change the "well-known story" and taking a new perspective. As a content creator is also very important using well known characters to catch mainstream attention.
i find the mask as a very iconic meme for bitcoiners related to privacy and freedom seek with a little bit of revenge for what the system rulers has done to us, and I think we, content and meme creators, are able to adapt and take this into a new perspective different from what hollywood want us to think. I like to think Guy Fawkes has recently discovered bitcoin and changed his plans 😁
I think the video really remarks the idea of avoiding confrontation and start a personal revolution aside from mainstream or taking the streets with violence and just unite in this digital revolution, as this is, as you say, what they really want us to do, take the streets so they can target their violence to us and we don't need that.
WEF and politicians are starting to use "fragmentation" speech and my objective was offering a bitcoiner reply to this message with a video that could become very impresive even for non bitcoiners. And that's why i changed it from V from Vendetta to V for Revolution and tried to change the well-known message.
Thank you for your feedback!