I encountered similiar issue on Umbrel, not sure if it's the same on Citadel but sounds very similar. You should first check out your node's logs at settings/troubleshoot/start
There, look for error lines and messages that could help you to identify the issue.
What fixed it for me was removing the corrupt peers.dat file, here's how you might get to it on Citadel (let me know if it worked):
  • Here is a fix for the ₿itcoin node appearing as blank/not loading and causing issues for all dependent apps… *
  • After checking logs likely you may see a line that shows “Error: Invalid or corrupt peers.dat” *
What you can do is SSH into your Citadel and first stop Bitcoin:
~/citadel/scripts/app stop bitcoin
Then you can delete the peers.dat file (removing or renaming also works): rm /home/citadel/bitcoin/peers.dat
(If the above command works it just sends you to the new line, sometimes this is confusing but that means it was successful otherwise if you run it again you’ll see it now displays “No such file or directory”)
Then start Bitcoin again: ~/citadel/scripts/app start bitcoin
Then please wait at least 5 minutes, it can sometimes take a little longer.
Now finally reload your dashboard and you will likely see your Bitcoin Node app has begun to synchronize once more, hopefully closer to 99.8% and only take less than < 1 hour to finish.
Now all your apps will work normally again, including Lightning Node, and this also should fix the issue of Ride The Lightning appearing with the wallet locked error as well once Bitcoin Node app is done resynchronizing.
This solution was originally published in Umbrel Telegram group, I just changed Umbrel directories with corresponding Citadel directories, hopefully this helps.
how can i fix that?:
EXCEPTION: 15dbwrapper_error
bitcoin | Fatal LevelDB error: Corruption: checksum mismatch: /data/.bitcoin/indexes/blockfilter/basic/db/000058.log
bitcoin | bitcoin in AppInit()
I couldn't, it stayed on for a month and nothing. Now I ask, is there a way for me to open the seeds in another wallet and have access to the fund that was in Citadel, I would just like to have access to the fund to withdraw, and then I will buy a raspberry PI5 and do it all over again. What would be the best way for me to access the fund that was in Citadel?